Therapeutic Restorative Bodywork

Expertise you can trust

This specialized form of structural bodywork addresses old and current injuries by releasing the myofascial tissue and allowing the body to return to its natural state of health.

Our bodies tell our story. When we walk into a room, what are we saying to others without speaking a word? Our posture, head carriage, and gait are reflections of our life. Accidents, poor physical habits such as too much sitting, and lack of exercise all contribute to how we carry our bodies today. And in this lifetime, we are only given this one beautiful body.

Restorative Bodywork is a modality to get us out of pain, bring back fluidity and flexibility to our muscles, joints and ligaments, and release old patterns that no longer serve us in our life today. It also addresses scar tissue that may be adhered to surrounding soft tissue causing pain, restriction, and imbalances. This work improves posture and body awareness which prevents future pain and injuries. When we are in tune with our body, we carry ourselves with mindfulness, we chose to nourish yourself with nutrient-rich whole foods, and our mental state and confidence increase.

You will learn:

  • New ways to make your workday more comfortable with less fatigue and more sustained energy.  If you sit at a computer for long periods of time during a normal days’ work, we educate you on optimal ways to use your body to prepare you for a long and healthy life. As you progress through your bodywork sessions, we teach you new ways to sit at your desk, work on your computer, talk on the phone, and perform other work-related tasks to obtain and preserve good posture, a strong spine and supple joints. If your job entails an active day of being on your feet and even lifting heavy objects, bodywork sessions are also a great opportunity to use your newfound awareness in your daily tasks to prevent injuries and maintain strength and mobility.
  • New ways to perform your sport such as running, pickleball, and hiking.  Taking your newly acquired body awareness out into your sport, you will experience less injuries as you improve your game as a result of focusing on proper joint alignment in your knees, hips, and shoulders.
  • New ways to use your body in daily life.  Sitting in traffic, standing in line at the grocery store, gathering for an evening with friends, and sitting in a restaurant are all opportunities to put your newly found body awareness into action. You will notice increased energy, better moods, and a lighter body as you progress through your bodywork sessions taking what you learned out into your world.

Bodywork sessions keep you aligned, balanced, and relieve tension

If you’ve experienced or are experiencing past injuries or accidents, old scar tissue, pain, restriction of movement, feeling stuck in your life or not able to move forward, or just want a good release in your muscles, you are a good candidate for Restorative Bodywork. Give us a call to schedule your Restorative Bodywork  Session today.  310.829.0453

Therapeutic Restorative Bodywork

Comprehensive Treatments from Caring Professionals

Regular Bodywork sessions keep you aligned, balanced, and relieve tension so you move freely throughout your day.