About Us
Our mission is to help you achieve and maintain long lasting health and vitality. Our purpose is to give you results lasting long into the future, enabling you to live a life without the need for drugs and surgery. As holistic doctors, we place a strong emphasis on prevention of disease. Our goal is to help you achieve vibrant wellness by promoting healing on all levels–physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
We work with many patients who experience pain and a variety of other health issues. Taking a holistic approach to each of our patients, we evaluate your physical, mental and bio-chemical state. Our comprehensive assessments and treatments are personalized for you and take into account each patient’s uniqueness and lifestyle stressors. Each treatment program utilizes a variety of effective and affordable therapies, with periodic re-assessments to determine how your system is responding and then tailored to reach and maintain your optimal outcome.
When you choose the Center for Health and Longevity as your health care facility, you are assured of receiving the finest quality care through the use of modern equipment, technology and a solid wellness philosophy. Utilizing the principles of chiropractic and healthy living, our approach has had a significant impact on thousands of patients.
Call today and one of our friendly team members will help you schedule your appointment.
We are here for you
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“Taking care of yourself creates a ripple effect that extends out to your family, friends, and even strangers with whom you come in contact. You can be the example for all those you love.”